Faculty of Legal studies in collaboration with NSS of Mewar University organised Human rights day on 10th December 2021 in Maharana Pratap Hall of Mewar University, Gangrar, Rajasthan. Secretary of District Legal Service Authority, Additional District Judge Hon'ble Bhanu kumar ji and NDPS judge Hon'ble Madhusudan Sharma ji were guest on this occasion. Chairman of Mewar Education society Shri. Govind Lal Gadiya welcomed the guests. Vice Chancellor Sh.K.S Rana, Pro Vicechancellor Shri Anand Vardhan Shukla and director Placement Shri Harish Gurnani and Dean of Humanities Smt. Chitralekha Singh and Dean Academic Shri D.K Sharma were also present in this event. Pro vice chancellor Shri Anand Vardhan Shukla said that India's constitution is biggest constitution which is more expressed and detailed rather than any other nation. Vice chancellor K.S Rana discussed about importance of Human Rights Declaration 1948. NDPS judge Shri Madhusudan Sharma addressed the gathering and discussed about the importance of Human rights. He said that Constitution of India contains Human rights which we need to maintain and perform. Chairman shri. Govind Lal Gadiya ji discussed that human rights could been forced only when everyone is aware and everyone should respect rights of each and every person. Program wound up by singing National Anthem.