University invites applications for various vacant post in University for highly qualified academicians, senior Administrative Officers and others inthefollowing areas:
Teaching & Academic Positions:
In following faculty:
1. Faculty of Engineering & Technology
2. Faculty of Science & Technology
3. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science
4. Faculty Of Management & Commerce
5. Faculty of Agriculture & Veterinary Science
6. Faculty of Health Science
7. Faculty of Education & Psychology
8. Faculty of Humanities Social Science & Fine Arts
9. Faculty of Legal Studies.
10. Faculty of Computer Science & System Studies
11. Faculty of Alternative Therapy
Administrative & Non Teaching Positions:
1. Registrar
2. Assistant Registrar
3. PS to VC
4. Administrative Staff
5. Technical Assistant
6. Office Assistants
7. Lab Assistant
8. Nursing & Paramedical Staff
Instructions to the Candidates:
1. Application received through email and via post will be considered, candidates may send their updated CV to The email may be addressed with the subject line in “Application for ‘DESIGNATION’ in ‘DEPARTMENT_ NAME” format.
2. After receipt of applications, Internal Scrutiny will be made afterwards candidates shallbe invited for the interview before the Selection Committee.
3. Candidates applying for more than one post/department have to submit separate application for each post by mentioning post applied for.
4. For each of the qualification,professional experience,achievement,etc.,documentary proof in the form of self – attested photo-copies are to be produced, if called for interview.
5. The originals must be produced at the time of interview.
6. Incomplete applications without necessary enclosures may not be accepted.
7. The Eligibility, qualification, experience and requirement for the post notified shall begoverned by the guidelines issued by University/UGC & concerned statutory Councils.
8. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any of the vacancies advertised.The University reserves the right to reject any orall applications without assigning any reason.
9. Any misleading/wrong information supplied by the candidates may lead to summarily rejection of thea pplication.(if found subsequently, also the appointment will be cancelled.)
10. Mere fulfillment of minimum qualification and experience requirements for the post does not entitle the candidate to be called for an interview. The University reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to reasonable limit, on the basis of qualification and experience higher than those prescribed in this advertisement.
11. Salary is no bar for deserving candidates.
12. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.
13. Canvassing in any form will lead to rejection of application form.
14. Decision of the Selection Committee and the Board of Management/EC of Mewar University with respect to the selection process is final.
(Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgarh)