CUET 2025 Application Notification       MOTILAL OSWAL & MEWAR UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME        Registration Form for Civil Services Coaching        Registration Form For Nepal 2025       Registration Form For JKSSS 2025      Public order Regarding off Campus and Study Center       Renewal of pending Research Application       Public order Regarding off Campus and Study Center       Admission Assistance 24x7 Helpline an its Toll free number 18001218086 Email:-       Chairperson's message to Jammu & Kashmir students.    

Instructions for filling Online Application CUET Form

Step 1: Registration Form:
Register for the Online Application Form and note down the system-generated Application Number. The candidate should supply the required details while filling the Online Application Form and is also required to create PASSWORD and choose Security Question and enter his/her Answer. After successful submission of the personal details, an Application number will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining Steps of the Application Form and will also be required for all future reference/correspondence. For subsequent logins, the candidate will be able to login directly with the respective system-generated Application Number and created Password.
Step 2: Application Form:
The Candidates can log in with the system-generated Application Number and pre-created Password for completing the Application Form including filling up of personal details, applying for the Paper, choosing the Examination Cities, providing the details of Educational Qualifications, and uploading the images and documents.
Upload Scanned Images of Candidate’s Photograph and Signature.
i. The recent photograph should be either in colour or black & white with 80% face (without mask) visible
including ears against a white background.
ii. Scanned photograph and signature should be in JPG/JPEG format (clearly legible).
iii. The size of the scanned photograph should be between 10 kb to 200 kb (clearly legible).
iv. The size of the scanned signature should be between 4 kb to 30 kb (clearly legible)
[Note: The Candidate has to upload only his/her own photograph and signature as mentioned above (and not of anybody else) in a correct/proper manner.
In case, it is found at any time in the future that the Candidate has used/uploaded the photograph and signature of someone else in his/her Application Form/Admit Card, or he/she has tampered his/her Admit Card/Result/Score Card, these acts of the candidate shall be treated as Unfair Means (UFM) Practices and he/she shall be subject to actions as contemplated under the provisions of the Information Bulletin relating to Unfair Means Practices.

Please check your photograph and signature before submission of the Application Form. In case the photograph or signature is blurred or not visible to identify the identity of the candidate, the application will be rejected and no option for correction or revision will be permitted there after.

Step 3: Fee Payment:
After completing Step 1 and Step 2, the candidates have to pay the requisite examination fee. The fee can be submitted only online through Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, UPI Services. Processing charges and GST as applicable are chargeable to the candidate (in addition to the examination fee) by the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway Integrator.
The Confirmation Page of the online Application Form will be generated only after successful payment by the Candidate. In case the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee, then the candidate may have to approach the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway.

  • Download, save and print a copy of the Confirmation Page of the Application Form (which would be downloadable only after successful remittance of fee) for future reference.

All 3 Steps can be done together or at separate timings.
1. The submission of the Application of a candidate would be considered as successful and his/her candidature would be confirmed only on the successful transaction/receipt of the prescribed application fee from him/her.
2. Candidates shall ensure that the information entered by them in their respective online Application Form is correct.
3. All candidates must ensure that they have provided the correct e-mail address and mobile number.
4. Information provided by the candidates in their respective online Application Forms, like, the name of the candidate, contact details, address details, category, PwBD status, educational qualification details, date of birth, choice of exam
cities, etc. will be treated as final. Any request for change in such particulars will not be considered by NTA under any circumstances.
5. NTA does not edit/modify/alter any information entered by the candidates after completion of the application process under any circumstances. Any request for change in information after the completion of the correction window will not be entertained. Therefore, candidates are advised to exercise utmost caution before filling up the correct details in the Application Form.
6. NTA disclaims any liability that may arise to a candidate(s) due to incorrect information provided by him/her in his/her online Application Form.
7. Candidates must ensure that their email address and mobile number to be registered in their online Application Form are their own, as relevant/important information/ communication will be sent by NTA through e-mail on the registered mail
address and/or through SMS on the registered mobile number only.
8. NTA shall not be responsible for any non-communication /miscommunication with a candidate in the email address or mobile number given by him/her other than his/her own.
9. NTA is facilitating all candidates with an additional platform of DigiLocker to download their documents like Confirmation Page, Admit Card, Score Cards, etc. Candidates are advised to visit the
NTA/Samarth PG Website and check their e-mails also regularly.
10. Candidates shall appear at their own cost at the Examination Centre on the date, shift, and time indicated on their Admit Cards issued by the NTA in due course through its Website.

i. The final submission of the Online Application Form will remain incomplete if Step-3 is not completed. Such forms will stand rejected and no correspondence on this account will be entertained.
ii. The entire application process for CUET (PG) 2024 is online, including uploading of scanned images/documents,
payment of fees, and printing of Confirmation Page, Admit Card, etc. Therefore, candidates are not required to send/ submit any document(s) including Confirmation Page to NTA through Post/ Fax/ WhatsApp/ Email/ by Hand.
iii. Candidates are advised to visit the NTA/ Samarth Website regularly for the latest updates.
iv. Usage of Data and Information: NTA/Government of India can use the data provided by the End Users (test taker in this case) for the internal purpose(s) including training, research and development, analysis, and other permissible
purposes (s). However, this information is not for use by any third party or private agency for any other use.
v.Choice of exam cities displayed to the candidates will be based on the permanent and correspondence addresses filled during Online Application Form of CUET (PG) 2024
vi. Candidates are advised to fill only one Application Form and to take utmost care while filling out the mobile number and e-mail address. Candidates are also advised to use the mobile number and email address that are accessible to
them such as of their parent/ guardian. One mobile number and email address can be used for one Application Form only.

Brief Advisory
Candidates are advised to carry only the following with them into the examination venue:
i. Admit card downloaded from the NTA/ Samarth Website (a clear printout on A4 size paper) duly filled in
ii. A simple transparent Ball Point Pen
iii. Additional photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) to be pasted on the attendance sheet.
iv. Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid, and non-expired) – PAN card/ Driving License/ Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/E-Aadhaar with photograph/ Ration
Card with photograph/ Bank Passbook with Photograph.
v. PwBD certificate issued by the authorized medical officer, if claiming the relaxation under PwBD


Note: - Candidates are informed that the list of participating universities will keep on increasing till the completion of the registration process, therefore, candidates are advised to keep visiting the NTA/ Samarth PG website for adding universites in their application if required.

1. All Candidates shall ensure that the information (like his/her name, mother’s name, father’s name, gender, date of birth, category, PwBD status, mobile number, e-mail address, photograph and signature, choice of
cities for exam Centre, etc.) provided by them in their online Application Form is correct and of their own.
Candidates are advised to exercise the utmost care in filling up correct details in the Online Application Form.
Any request for change in the particulars and uploaded scanned images at any stage will not be considered by NTA under any circumstances. NTA will not entertain the corrections sent by the candidate through Post/Fax/WhatsApp/E-mail/by Hand.
2. In case it is found at any time in the future that the Candidate has used/uploaded the photograph, signature of someone else in his/ her Application Form/Admit Card or he/she has tampered with his/her Admit
Card/result, it would be treated as Unfair Means (UFM) Practices on his/her part and the actions will be taken under the provisions of Unfair Means Practices, as detailed in the Information Bulletin.
3. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instruments, Geometry or Pencil box, Handbag, Purse, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed or written material), Eatables and Water (loose or packed),
Mobile Phone/ Earphone/ Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, DocuPen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Camera, Tape Recorder, Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic item or electronic gadgets/ devices in
the Examination Hall/Room.
4. Candidates are advised to keep visiting NTA/ Samarth website and University websites (in which they are applying) for the latest updates/public notices/ notifications/ announcements to be issued from time to time
regarding the CUET (PG) 2024. Candidates are requested to retain a copy of the Confirmation Page, Admit Card, and Score Card of the CUET (PG) 2024 as the same will not be available after 30th September 2024.

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