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Question 1. What is CUET (PG) 2024?

Answer:The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) is being introduced for admission into PG programmes in Central, State and Participating Universities/ Institutions for Academic Session 2024-25 under the Ministry of Education (MoE). The Common University Entrance Test CUET (PG) – 2024 will provide a common platform and equal opportunity to candidates across the country, especially those from rural and other remote areas and help establish better connect with the Universities. A single application form will enable the Candidates to cover a wide outreach and be part of the admission process to various Central and participating Universities. NTA has been assigned the responsibility of conducting the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2024 for admission to Post-graduate (PG) Programmes of participating Universities for the Academic Session 2024-25. This is a national level test.


Question 2. Which are the participating Universities in the CUET (PG) 2024?

Answer:List of participating Universities/ Institutions are available on Samarth website The list is dynamic, addition in the list of participating universities would be changing till the completion of the Registration process. Keep viewing the website for the latest updates.


Question 3. Duration of Online registration and submission of Application Form for CUET (PG) 2024?

Answer:26 December 2023 to 24 January 2024 (upto 11:50 pm)


Question 4. Last Date of successful fee transaction for CUET (PG) 2024?

Answer:25 January 2024 (upto 11:50 pm)


Question 5. What programmes are offered in these Universities?

Answer:The details of Programme of Studies, Eligibility Criteria, Structure etc. are available on NTA website It is advisable to check courses offered by the respective Universities/ Institutions carefully as similar courses are being evaluated under various QP Codes by different Universities.


6. Can a Candidates apply in more than one course?


·       An applicant can apply for two (02) Test Papers bypaying application fee (details mentioned at point 18).

·       An applicant can further apply for (02) additional TestPapers by paying additional application fees as applicable.


Question 7. How many papers can be selected for the examination?

Answer:Maximum of four (04) test paper code can be selected.


Question 8. What is the mode of exam?

Answer:CBT (Computer Based Test)


Question 9. What will be the Scheme of the CUET (PG) – 2024 examination?

Answer:All Question Papers will be MCQ type.

·       Candidates can choose a maximum of four questionpaper codes.

·       The candidate can choose a General paper as aSubject as there would be no general test with each paper as previous years. The comprehension part of these two General papers would be in English or Hindi as chosen by the candidate during registration.

·       The duration of the Exam would be 105 Minutes.

·       The Question paper will have 75 Questions.

·       Four marks will be awarded for each correct answerand one mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

·       Languages papers will be in the concerned languageonly.

·       M.Tech/Higher Sciences will be in English only.

·       Acharya papers will be in Sanskrit except for Hindu Studies, Indian Knowledge System, and Baudha Darshan.

·       Humanities, Sciences, and Common papers would be bilingual (English & Hindi).

·       The examination would be conducted in three shifts.

·       The English version of the questions in all the question papers except languages and Acharya will be taken as final.


Question 10. What would be syllabus for the exam?

Answer:  The Examination Syllabus would be uploaded on the Samarth



Question 11. What are the examination dates for CUET (PG) 2024?

Answer:11.03.2024 to 28.03.2024


Question 12. What are the different modes to apply for CUET (PG) 2024?

Answer:Application Forms can only be submitted through online mode on the website The Application Form other than online mode will not be accepted.


Question 13. How will the admissions be given?

Answer:Admissions will be handled at the level of each of the participating Universities for their respective programs. After the declaration of the CUET-PG results, the respective Universities will declare the counselling/admission schedule and merit list based on CUET-PG 2024 score and any other criteria of participating universities. Please see the website of the concerned university for details. There may be admission counselling by the universities with additional fees.


Question 14. Can I submit two application forms for two courses at a time?

Answer:Applicant as per eligibility can apply for multiple test paper codes. Candidate should not apply through duplicate or multiple forms, which may lead to cancellation of all his/her Application Forms.


Question 15. Can I use my friend’s email address when registering for?

Answer:No, the applicant should use only their own valid and unique email address as all communications will be made on the registered e-mail id or SMS.

Further, you will not be able to change or edit the mobile number and email address on the application form later as these particulars are fixed.


Question 16. What documents or certificates do I need to upload along with the Application Form?


·       Candidates need to upload scanned images of photograph and signature with the Application Form.

·       No certificates are required to be uploaded along with theApplication Form at the time of online submission.

The documents / certificates etc., shall be verified directly at the time of admission by the concerned University.


Question 17. How can I pay Application Fee?


·       Fee can be paid using SBI, IDBI Bank, HDFC Bankpayment gateways through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI/ Wallet. Candidates need to keep proof of fee paid.

·       Incase the Confirmation Page is not generated after payment of fee, the transaction stands cancelled and the amount will be refunded into the candidate’s account after reconciliation with the bank.

However, the candidate has to make another transaction, in case the Confirmation Page is not generated.


Question 18. How much is the examination fee for PG? Is it different if I apply for more programmes in participating Universities?

Answer:  The examination fee details are as follows:

Fee Payable by Candidates in INR

(through: Net-Banking/ Debit Card /Credit Card / UPI/Wallet)




In India (Fee In ?)


Outside India (Fee In ?)


Application Fee (for up to two Test papers)


Fees for additional Test Papers (Per test paper)


Application Fee (for up to two Test papers)


Fees for Additional Test Papers (Per test paper)



? 1200/-

? 600/-






? 1000/-


? 500/-

SC/ ST/ Third Gender

? 900/-

? 500/-



? 800/-

? 500/-




·       An applicant can make for payment through net-banking/debit/credit card/UPI/Wallet.

·       GST and other taxes as applicable by Govt. of India/ Bank to bepaid by the candidate.

·       Applicants are advised to read Payment instructions carefullybefore paying the application fee.

Important Instruction

·       An applicant can apply for two (02) Test Papers by payingapplication fee as mentioned above.

·       An applicant can further apply for additional Test Papers bypaying additional application fees of Rs. 600/- (General applicants) or Rs. 500/- (OBC-NCL/Gen-EWS/SC/ST/Third Gender/PwBD Applicants) per Test Paper for PG Programmes.

·       Candidates opting for test centres outside India will have to pay application fee of Rs. 6000/- irrespective of the category they belong to for upto two list papers.

·       Further, for applying for additional test papers a feeof Rs. 2000/- per additional paper has to be paid.


Question 19. Do I need to send Confirmation Page to NTA ?

Answer: The Candidates are NOT required to send/ submit the Confirmation Page of Online Application Form (or any document) to NTA. However, they are advised to retain the following documents with them for any future reference/correspondence:

·       Copy of the Confirmation Page of Online ApplicationForm (Download and save for future reference)

·       Proof of fee paid (Download and save for future reference)

·       Photographs (same as uploaded on the OnlineApplication Form as it would be required for verification at the time of examination)


Question 20. If I have made any mistake(s) while registering/applying, can I make changes later in the Application Form?

Answer:The applicant can make changes in some fields only when NTA will open the rectification/correction window.

No corrections shall be allowed after the closure of correction windowand all particulars entered by the candidate would be considered as final.


Question 21. I have made the online payment but my confirmation page has not been generated. What to do?

Answer:  Such problem occurs because of drop in connectivity from Banks’ server to the agency server on which NTA website has been hosted. You are advised to wait for some time if such problem is faced by you.

·       In case the Confirmation Page is not generated even after waiting sometime then the transaction is cancelled, and amount will be refunded to the candidate’s account after reconciliation with the bank.

·       In such cases, the candidate must make another transaction, to confirm and complete the application process.


Question 22. I have made the online payment but my status is not updated on the system?

Answer:If it is not updated within 24 hours, raise a query in Query redressal system or send a mail at in giving details of your mobile number, application number, payment reference number and proof of payment.


Question 23. I have made double payment of exam fee. When will I get the refund of extra payment made by me?

Answer:Any extra payment made by you will be refunded to you after reconciliation with the bank.

Question 24. I made some corrections and submitted. After submission, I found that there still is some correction to be done. Can I do so?

Answer:After submission of corrections, you are not allowed to edit/ make changes in the application. Please check the form thoroughly before submission.


Question 25. Why am I asked in the correction window to pay additional fee after making corrections?

Answer:No additional fee is charged for making corrections in the details of application form, if there is no change in the Category or number of test paper chosen.

As amount of exam fee depends on the Category to which a candidate belongs and number of test paper chosen, an additional fee may be applicable in certain cases.

Please check the Information Bulletin for the amount of fee payable by different Categories.


Question 26. How will I get my admit card?

Answer:The admit card will be uploaded on Samarth website per the schedule communicated through the website. Candidates need to check the admit card carefully for all particulars e.g. Roll No. Name, Question Paper Code, Date of Birth, Gender, Examination Centre Name, City, and Category etc. Kindly note that the Admit Card will not be sent through post/ mail etc.


Question 27. If I do not get my Admit Card and in case my admit card has some issue, whom should I contact?

Answer: In case of any problem related to Admit Card, you may contact our Helpdesk No. 011 40759000 between 09:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. or write to us at


Question 28. Where can I get the name of test centres?

Answer:The name of test centre will be mentioned on the Admit Card.


Question 29. Can I change my test city after receiving admit card?

Answer:While applying candidates have to select any two cities of their choice, based on their permanent and correspondence address only. The efforts will be made to allot city of examination to the candidates in order of the choice opted by them in their application form. Please select your preferred choices carefully.

However, NTA reserves the right to change the test city based on administrative feasibility.

Choice of exam cities displayed to the candidates will be based on permanent and correspondence addresses only filled during online application form of CUET (PG) – 2024.

The Examination City Centre, once opted, shall not be changed.


Question 30. What is the reporting time at the centre?

Answer:  Reporting time starts 1 hours 40 minutes prior to thescheduled commencement of the exam.

However, candidates are advised to report as mentioned on their admit Card for verification of the admit cards, registration, frisking, etc.


Question 31. What is the last time for entry?

Answer:Candidates are required to be in the exam centre at least half an hour before the commencement of the exam.


Question 32. What documents do I need to carry to the examination centre on the day of examination?

Answer:Candidates MUST bring the following documents(in hard copy) on the day of examination at the test centre:

·       Admit Card along with Undertaking downloaded from theSamarth website (a clear printout on A4 size paper)

·       Any one of the original and valid Photo IdentificationProof issued by the government – PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/ Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ EAadhaar/ Ration Card./ Aadhaar Enrolment No. with Photo. All other ID/Photocopies of IDs even if attested/scanned photo of IDs in mobile phone will NOT be considered as valid ID Proof.

·       PwBD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming relaxation under PwBD category. The scribe must also carry an Undertaking regarding educational qualification, etc, passport size photograph, valid government identity proof.

You also need to carry

·       A photograph same as uploaded in the Application form.

·       Drinking water in a transparent bottle

·       A simple transparent pen (Blue/Black)

Note:Candidate will not be allowed to take personal items such as mobile phones, digital/analogue watches, food items, study material, lockets, bags, electronic gadgets or any other prohibited items into the testing room. You are advised not to bring these to the test centre.


Question 33. What precaution should I take while carrying document?

Answer:The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card.

If the name has been changed due to events such as marriage, candidate must show the relevant document like Marriage Certificate / Divorce / Decree / Legal Name Change Document at the time of examination.


Question 34. Should I carry a paper to the exam hall for doing some rough work?

Answer:No, blank sheets for doing rough work/calculations will be provided to the candidates at the exam centre and all calculations/rough work are to be done only in the blank sheets.

On completion of the test, candidates must drop these rough sheets along with Admit card and Undertaking in the designated box, as instructed by the invigilator on duty.


Question 35. How do I answer questions in the computer-based mode?

Answer:Detailed guidelines on the Procedure for appearing in computer-based tests are given in the Information Bulletin. You may go through them.


Question 36. Will the question paper be bi-lingual or only in English?

Answer:The CUET (PG) 2024 will be bi-lingual English and Hindi except for Languages, M. Tech/ Higher Science and Acharya papers.


Question 37. Can I take the exam from any computer?

Answer:No, a candidate will have to appear for the exam on a pre-

assigned workstation of the test centre allocated to him/her

mentioned in the admit card.


Question 38. Can I move back and forth between the questions?

Answer:Yes, candidates will have the option to navigate between the questions by following instructions available on the User Interface.

They may change even answer options, any-time before they enter submit button.


Question 39. What precautions do I need to take during the examination?


·       Please ensure that name of the subject on the screen is the same as per your admit card. In case of any discrepancy please inform Invigilators immediately.

·       The candidates must attempt subjects as per their choice in the Application, so they must exercise choice carefully. Once printed on the Admit Card it will not be changed.


Question 40. What if I could not appear in the examination on scheduled date?

Answer:No candidate will be allowed to appear at the examination centre/date/timings other than that allotted to them on their Admit card.

Important: For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of test for any reason, retest shall not be held by the NTAunder any circumstances neither any refund of fee would be granted.


Question 41. Can I withdraw my application?



Question 42. If I do not take my exam, will I be eligible for a refund?

Answer:No, there is no provision for refund of fees.


Question 43. What will I be provided with during the exam?

Answer:At the test centre, each candidate will be allotted a desk with a computer terminal and white sheets for rough work.

Rough work cannot be done on any other paper/sheet, as no other material will be allowed inside the examination room. On completion of the exam, candidates will have to drop these papers in designated boxes as instructed by the invigilator.


Question 44. How do I know when the exam time has ended?

Answer:There will be an on-screen timer on the top right corner of your screen which will count down for the allocated time. Candidates are advised to check this timer regularly and allocate their time carefully.


Question 45. Will I be able to leave early if I finish the exam before the allocated exam time has ended?

Answer:No, candidates will not be allowed to leave until the entire

duration of the exam is up with the exception of genuine medical emergency.


Question 46. In case of any technical problems with the computer system, at the exam centre, what should I do? Will I lose time?

Answer:In case of any technical problems with the computer at the exam centre due to which you are not able to continue the exam, inform the invigilator. He/ She would fix the issue or will map you to another PC through a proper process. Your exam time in the next session will commence from the time you discontinued your exam on the first system. There would be no loss of time for you.

Question 47. Who will determine the final merit list for Admission? How would the results be declared?

Answer:NTA will generate the Score Card only. After that the admission exercise (including counselling) shall be handled by the participating University officials only.

Scores and candidate data would be shared with all the participating Universities/ Institutions.


This document is merely an attempt to provide answers to some common questions posted to us, by the candidates. However, this list is neither exhaustive nor does it purport to be a source of complete information on the subject. Hence candidates are advised, in their own interest to refer to the “Information Bulletin” of CUET (PG) on the site, besides referring to the CUET website for detail information, and ensure to meet eligibility criteria. FAQs may be referred for a quick reference only.


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