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Waste Management

Steps Taken by Mewar University for Waste Management


·         Solid Waste Management:

Solid wastes are separated into organic waste and inorganic waste. Organic waste is used to make vermicompost and inorganic waste is disposed of at specified location in University campus in an appropriate manner. The damaged glassware and used chemicals from laboratories are disposed of at specified locations.

o   Vermicompost Preparation by Agriculture Students:

In Mewar University, B.Sc. (Ag.) students (Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary sciences) prepared vermicompost bed. The practical work was executed at Instructional farm of campus with initiation of earthworm’s inoculation, which was collected from KVK Chittorgarh. Itwas started from end of May 2017 and the final product was ready in the first week of September 2017. It has taken around 90-95 days for the process completion. 

Organic solid waste management by employing earthworms has multifarious role to play in a developing country like India. Firstly, it makes way for utilization of available organic wastes to produce the rich source of organic manure of high quality, which is superior to other types of organic manures in its physio-chemical and biological properties. Secondly, the manure is produced in a shorter duration of time and is fully matured, homogenous matter. Thirdly, this practical knowledge provides job opportunities for the unskilled farmers. Finally, it is the best way of guarding the environment.

Vermicompost is the most promising a high-value bio-fertilizer which not only increases the plant growth and productivity by nutrient supply but also is cost-effective and pollution free. Use of vermicompost promotes soil aggregation and stabilizes soil structure. This improves the air-water relationship of soil, thus increasing the water retention capacity and encourages the extensive development of root system of plants. It is observed that the mineralization of nutrients is enhanced and it results in boosting up of crop productivity.


Vermicompost (compost produced by the activity of selected species of earthworms) has been adjudged as the best source of organic amendments to soil. Using vermicompost can fulfill the requirements for organically grown products.


The process of composting crop residues using earthworms comprised spreading the agricultural wastes and cow dung in layers as 1.5 m wide and 0.9 m high beds. Earthworms were introduced in between the layers @ 350 worms per m3 of bed volume. The beds were maintained at about 40 - 50% moisture content and a temperature of 20 – 30 o C by sprinkling water over the beds. The earthworms being voracious eaters consumed the biodegradable matter and gave out a part of the matter as excreta or vermi-castings.

This work was completed under the supervision of Prof. R.C. Tiwari, Mr. G.S. Dhakad and Dr. Neeraj highlighted the significance of this work as: “This can be a better option for the Campus Sustainability Plan to achieve Zero Waste Campus Policy and preserve university land. In addition, this work can also be employed for educational purposes and other outreach programmes.”

·         Liquid Waste Management:

University has a sewage treatment plant having filtration capacity of 5 lakhs liters per day for an effective management of liquid waste. Effective discharge of waste water from laboratories is carried out in science laboratories.

  • E-waste Management: E waste is much more hazardous than other waste because electronic components contain cadmium, lead, mercury, and Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that can damage human health and the environment. E-waste generated in the campus is very less in quantity. The cartridges of laser printers are refilled outside the university campus.

The E- waste and defective items from computer laboratory is being stored properly. The institution has decided to contact approved E-waste management and disposal facility in order to dispose E-waste in scientific manner.

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