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All employees/workers of the University are expected to develop proper rapport with the employer. Mutual respect and fraternal feelings are needed to ensure proper relationships. The following general duties and responsibilities of all employees have been framed:


1.            All staff members of the University are required to be present in the University during working hours on all working days and days specifically notified.

2.            All members of staff are governed by the general duties and responsibilities prescribed for each category of employees.

3.            Conduct the University’s transaction with utmost honesty, accuracy and fairness.

4.            Perform all professional activities through proper channel.

5.            Do not discuss with unauthorized individuals about professional and secret information.

6.            Co-operate whole heartedly with the authorities of the University with professional responsibilities.

7.            Avoid condemnation of authorities, behaviour through anonymous communication to outsiders/newspapers and also conversational conflicts which harm the dignity of the University.

8.            Avoid all types of unethical practices.

9.            Adhere all norms and standards set by the University from time to time.

10.        Do not indulge in any political election/Dharna/ Boycott  etc.

11.        Employees/workers of the University shall not indulge in any adverse criticism of the University and its officers.

12.        Employees/workers shall not use any intoxicating drug or liquor during the duty hours and in the premises.

13.        Employees/workers should not use cell phone during class hours, meetings etc.

14.        Without prior information and written permission of the university authorities, employees/workers shall not start private Business Organization, Association of his/her own or in partnership of his/her spouse or siblings.

15.        Employees/workers shall devote his/her whole duty time to the service of the University and shall not engage directly or indirectly on any other private work/business.

16.        Notwithstanding the rules and regulations and code of conduct specified in this document, all faculty members should follow the various rules and regulations, instructions issued by the competent authorities from time to time.

17.        In case of any misinterpretation / wrong interpretation of any of the rules and conditions specified in the service rules, the President is the final authority to decide.





The contribution of faculty members is expected to be more by way of research, extension activities apart from their regular academic and teaching activities. The following duties and responsibilities of all faculty members have been framed:

1.            All Faculty members of the University are responsible for contribution and sustenance of the standards of the University.

2.            They should comply with the relevant policies, rules, regulations, norms and standards set by the University, State/Central Govt. and/or any statutory body.


3.            Every individual member is accountable for his/her action, as member of the University community they are collectively accountable for upholding those standards of behavior.


4.            A faculty member is required to make alternative arrangement to handle his/her scheduled course work and other works whenever he/she goes on leave.

5.            As far as possible a faculty member should not miss the scheduled class and only under unavoidable circumstances alternative arrangement can be made. 

6.            A faculty member shall be punctual in attending class and leave the class room after his/her class is over only after the arrival of the faculty for the next period or instruct the students to go to the laboratory/ workshop for practical classes, as the case may be.

7.            The faculty member shall carry out any other academic related activity that may be assigned to him by the HOD/Dean/Higher Authorities from time to time.

8.            As research is an inherent component of the functions of a University, every faculty member shall take active efforts to make research contributions in his/her field of specialization.

9.            Faculty members who act as Research Supervisors should spare adequate time to the research scholars for discussion and monitor their progress, so that not only the quality of work is improved but also time over-run can be avoided.

10.        Active involvement of the faculty member in the student’s project work is very essential.

11.        If the student’s project work is industry related, the faculty member shall visit the industry to know the problem in its perspective so that he/she can guide effectively. In fact, this will help to develop contact with the industry.

12.        Faculty should take efforts to identify Interdisciplinary and collaborative research projects by interaction in other departments or researchers in established R&D laboratories for collaborative research purposes.

13.        Faculty members can act as research supervisor for other Universities only with the prior permission of the University.

14.        Faculty members should strive to bring out quality research publications in refereed journals of national & international importance.

15.        Faculty member should also present papers in International/National level conferences, but the impact they command compared to publications in refereed journals is considered much less.

16.        Faculty members shall also strive to file patents.

17.        Every faculty member should submit research proposals to various govt./other funding agencies to secure funding assistance for research and acquiring facilities such as equipment, instruments, etc.

18.        Faculty members should take efforts to secure consultancy works in his/her area of specialization from industries and business, Govt. and any other agencies.



Every faculty member is responsible for-


a) Teaching Learning

i)       Teaching of both core and elective courses in the field of his/her specialization as allocated by the Head of the Department/Dean of the faculty for various programmes offered by the University.

ii)      Conducting laboratory courses, tutorials and seminars of the programmes assigned to him/her in an effective manner.

 iii)    Providing proper guidance and supervision of the project work undertaken by students and development of proper rapport with the industry/ organization if the project is industry related one.

iv)     Making the teaching more effective and interesting to the students by the use of multi-media teaching aids.

v)      Making the laboratory and seminar classes more to improve the student’s understanding of the subject.

vii)    Helping peer-assisted learning.

viii)   On the whole, the teaching learning shall be learner centered ensuring learning outcome of different courses.


b) Course Planning and Material Preparation

i)       All faculty members are required to plan and make complete preparation well in advance to teaching effectively the theory and practical courses.

ii)      They should prepare the schedule of lectures with topics, tests, assignments, demonstrations, various possible teaching aids etc., in advance and the students should be informed of the same.

iii)     The faculty member has to design experiments for laboratory classes to improve the student’s creative skills.

vi)     Contribution to the preparation of new syllabus or updation of existing syllabus is also the responsibility of a faculty member pertaining to his/her specialization.

v)      A faculty is expected to be creative so as to contribute to the introduction of new academic programmes in the emerging are as relevant to the society, innovative curriculum and new methodology of teaching and evaluation.

vi)     In order to be an effective faculty, he/she is required to update his/her knowledge by attending faculty development programmes, short–term courses, professional society meetings, National/ International Conferences, reading recent technical journal articles and periodicals and going through the web sites of world class Universities.

vii)    They may also enroll in one or more Professional Societies/Associations.


c) Examination, evaluation and grading

i)       All faculty members are required to set standard question papers and evaluate the answer scripts of courses not only taught by him/her, but also that assigned to him/her by the Dean/Head of Department/Controller of Examinations of the University.

ii)      All faculty members are required to conduct and invigilate any exam/test in the University as assigned by the Head of Department/Controller of Examinations of the University.

iii)     While evaluating answer scripts, project work evaluation, Viva Voce, approach of faculty members should scrupulously be objective in approach so that the student can earn the marks/grading for his/her performance only.

d) Maintenance of Records

i)       Every faculty member is required to maintain the record of attendance, class work, and continuous assessment neatly, properly and in time. This should be produced to the Head of the Department (HOD)/Dean or any authority of the University as and when called.

ii)      If the faculty member is assigned to be Counselor/mentor of any class or a group of students by the HOD, he/she should maintain the list of students, contact Nos., address of parent and/or local guardian, so that the student’s progress could be monitored and communicated to them.

iii)     The counselor/mentor shall also perform the duties of counselor as specified separately.


Roles & Responsibilities of Head of the Department (HoD)

a) Laboratory Development & Maintenance

1.      HoD is responsible in the laboratory development activities of the respective department by introducing innovative experimental setups/instruments/computer software/computer control of machines or processes.

2.      HoD should ensure that the various machinery and equipment in the laboratory and workshop are maintained in working condition and are used effectively both for academic requirement, project works and research related activities.

3.      HoD has to oversee the work of technical staff of the laboratory, besides arranging for periodical maintenance/repair and recalibration wherever necessary.

4.      HoD has to ensure proper maintenance of stock registers, both consumable and non-consumable, periodical stock verifications, and proposal for replacement of defected/unserviceable equipment.

5.      HoD has to prepare budget every year for consumables, equipment, furniture, other academic & research requirements etc consultation with Dean or any competent authority and submit to the Management.

6.      HoD is required to arrange guest lectures, seminars etc., to supplement regular lectures and also help in the conduct of faculty development programmes, short-term programmes, workshops, open houses, exhibitions etc.

7.      HoD is required to organize industrial visits, educational tours for the students.

8.      HoD should see that the class rooms, laboratories and surroundings are kept neat and tidy with the help of personnel assigned for this purpose.

9.      HoD should ensure that lights and fans are switched off after the class is over and give necessary direction to the faculty members for compliance.

10.  HOD has to provide assistance in all administrative matters like distribution of hall tickets, mark sheets etc., and compilation of departmental replies to higher authorities etc.

11.  HoD is expected to oversee the students go to the class on time and not loitering in the campus.

12.  Any other activities related to Department or University Development that may be assigned to the HoD from time to time.



The CFAO is required to perform the following roles & responsibilities

a) Account keeping and compilation

1.      To supervise and control in keeping of books of accounts such as ledger, subsidiary books, cash book, etc. as per the approved procedure/manual.

2.      Compilation of accounts such as trial balance, reconciliation, preparation of income and expenditure statements, cash flow and balance sheet.

3.      Management of accounts receivables by taking prompt action to recover the amount due to the University.

4.      Receipt of semester fees and other fees from the students accounting them and attending to all other issues relating to that.

5.      Accounting of caution deposit of students and refund/adjustment as the case may be.

6.      Maintenance of expenditure details and reviewing them periodically vis-à-vis budget and taking appropriate actions in pursuance of instructions by the authority concerned.

7.      To manage all payables by the University by taking prompt action after approval from the authority concerned, all bills for supplies and services availed.

8.      Institute a system of periodic internal audit.

9.      To prepare and submit the annual reports on finance & accounts of the University to the competent authority.

10.  Any other task assigned by the authorities of the University from time to time.


b) Budget preparation

1.      Calling for budget details both for consumables and non-consumables from the Departments of the University.

2.      Compiling the budget and getting the approval of the appropriate body.

3.      Bringing to the notice of appropriate authority timely if any deviation noticed timely so that necessary control can be exercised.

4.      Any other task assigned by the authorities of the University from time to time.


c) Fund Management

1.      To supervise and control the Endowment fund, General fund and such other funds.

2.      Investment of funds received from parent body and from income realized from students as per the decision of the University.

3.      Renewal of deposits and withdrawal of deposits for meeting recurring and non-recurring expenditure.

4.      Keeping the funds received as grant for sponsored and funded research projects in separate account and incurring expenditure only for the purpose it is granted.

5.      To examine the ways and means to augment the finance of the University.

6.      To prepare and submit the quarterly, half yearly & annual cash flow projections.

7.      Any other task assigned by the authorities of the University from time to time.



d) Salary and wages

1.      Preparation of all pay bill, arrears bill and supplementary bills of all employees, drawl and disbursement to the concerned person as per the established procedure.

2.      Maintenance of accounts pertaining to statutory deductions like provident fund, property tax, etc.

3.      Preparation of all remuneration bills and disbursement for testing, consultancy work, remuneration for approved courses conducted and other incentives related payment to the faculty and staff.

4.      Dealing with all matters relating to income tax deduction from the salary and other payments to the employees, which include prompt payment to the statutory authority, filing of returns and issue of tax deduction certificate, etc.

5.      Deduction of professional tax and remittance to appropriate authorities under the Act.

6.      Draw of payment towards encashment of leave, leave salary, statutory payment like gratuity and recovery of dues from employees.

7.      Dealing with all other matters related to drawl & payment and recovery from the employees of the University.

8.      Dealing with all matters relating to sanction of advances to employees, and recovery/adjustment of the same.

9.      Any other task assigned by the authorities of the University from time to time.



The duties and responsibilities include,

1.      To ensure secrecy, safety and security of all documents relating to examimitaions.

2.      Scheduling and conducting continuous assessment tests for all programmes. Dispatching the answer scripts to the Departments for evaluation and assign marks.

3.      Scheduling of end semester examinations, arranging to get question papers, print and keep them securely for distribution on the date of examinations.

4.      Making arrangements to conduct examinations and evaluations as per the procedure envisaged.

5.      Receipt of finalized course-wise award lists for every programme from the Departments/individuals and declaration of the final results of each student.

6.      Printing and distribution of semester-wise mark-sheets/grade-sheet to students of various programmes.

7.      Issue of provisional certificate to the students, who have completed the programme satisfactorily as per the regulations of the programme.

8.      Issue and receipt of convocation application from students, preparation of degree certificates duly signed by the designated authority and keep under safe custody for distribution.

9.      Any other issues relating to the conduct of examination, evaluation, declaration of results and award of degree certificates.





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